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S01E02 7


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:7,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

If you're hiding, you've got to stop now,'cause mommy doesn't think it's funny!

Oh, excuse me.

I'm sorry. I'm looking for my boys. Three boys with red hair.

Have you seen them?

Yeah. I also saw you drive away and leave them.

I know. I was just trying to scare them into behaving.

Did you see where they went?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're in my kitchen.

Listen, uh, it seems to me that you have some anger management issues.

I have four kids under the age of 6. I absolutely have anger management issues.

Yeah, well, I think you need to talk to somebody,

because abandoning your children is --

Hey, I-I didn't abandon them. I came back.

I'm just saying it's not normal.

Well, my kids aren't normal,

and now I don't have time for this, lady, so --

boys, get out here!

No, I don't think they should go anywhere until you calm down.

- Get in the car. - She's got cookies.

Well, bring them. We're leaving.

- Oh, no, no. Stay put. - I don't think so. Aah!

- Listen, lady, you and I are going to have a little talk.
- Leave my mommy alone!

Let go of me!

What's the matter with you?

Run, boys, run!

Son of a -- aah!

You get back here!

Boys, you're going to need to put on your --

You come back here right now! Get back or I'm going to call social services!

Oh, my god.

Carlos, what have you done?

I saw it when I drove by the dealership.

I thought, "Gabrielle would look so beautiful in this."

Cost me an arm and a leg.

It's got GPS navigation, 200-watt stereo system, rear parking --

Oh, my god, it's beautiful.

So... did I take your breath away?


Is it the best gift you've ever gotten?

Gabrielle could see what this gesture had cost Carlos,

so she responded the only way she knew how.

She had a feeling the truth would have been lost on her husband anyway.

After all,

it's the rare man who understands the value of a single perfect rose.

Oh, I hope you don't mind. I thought I'd come by early and help you set up.

Hey, Susan.

Don't worry. Mike and I have got everything under control.


I don't know why he barks at you.

Well, I wouldn't take it personally. Dogs are very sensitive.

What's up, Bongo, huh?

You never know what freaks them out, huh?

In the distance, susan thought she heard a bell ring.

Ooh, is it a strange noise, huh? What is it? A weird smell?

Round one had started.

Look, all I'm saying is that this whole

"it takes two to mess up a marriage" theory is bull.

The problems that weave are because of her.

That is not true, Rex.

All right, fine. What have I been doing for the past 20 years that's been so awful?

You're not saying anything because I've been a great husband,

and it kills you to admit that.

Rex, I'm curious --

do you ever acknowledge the benefits of living with Bree?


By your own admission, your home is always clean,

your clothes are always freshly pressed. Sounds like a wonderful cook.

Despite her flaws, do you ever remember to say "thank you"?

"Thank you"?


Bongo! Bongo.Get down. Down.

Go on. Unh-unh. Down.

I'm sorry.

So, um, who's the guy that lives across from mrs. Huber again?

Mm. That's mr. Mullen,

and just so you know, if he invites you in, you have to meet all of his pets.

That's okay. I love animals.

He's a taxidermist.

Thanks for the warning.

Isn't mr. Mullen's brother your divorce attorney?

Uh, yes. Yes, he was.

Can I say something?

In my heart, I still believe that you and Carl are going to get back together.


Oh, yeah, I-I've never seen two people more in love.

I mean, she's never going to find that kind of chemistry with another man. Never.

It was everything susan could do to keep a smile on her face.

Round two was under way, and she was already taking a beating.


rear [rɪə(r)] n. 后面;屁股;后方部队 adj. 后方的;后面的;背面的 vt. 培养;树立;栽种 adv. 向后;在后面 vi. 暴跳;高耸 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4033}

calm [kɑ:m] n. 风平浪静 adj. 静的,平静的;沉着的 vt. 使平静;使镇定 vi. 平静下来;镇定下来 n. (Calm)人名;(法、德)卡尔姆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4189}

bull [bʊl] n. 公牛;看好股市者;粗壮如牛的人;胡说八道;印玺 adj. 大型的;公牛似的;雄性的 vt. 企图抬高证券价格;吓唬;强力实现 vi. 价格上涨;走运;猛推;吹牛 n. (Bull)人名;(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts :4207}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

weave [wi:v] vi. 纺织;编成;迂回行进 vt. 编织;编排;使迂回前进 n. 织物;织法;编织式样 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4893}

freshly [ˈfreʃli] adv. 新近;精神饱满地 {toefl :5346}

flaws [flɔ:z] n. [材] 缺陷;[力] 裂缝(flaw的复数) v. 有裂纹;使有裂缝(flaw的单三形式) { :5399}

Carl [kɑ:l] n. 粗野之人;村夫 { :5417}

barks [bɑ:ks] v. 剥(树皮);狗吠(bark的三单形式) n. [林] 树皮;狗吠(bark的复数) n. (Barks)人名;(英)巴克斯 { :5831}

stereo [ˈsteriəʊ] n. 立体声;立体声系统;铅版;立体照片 adj. 立体的;立体声的;立体感觉的 {cet6 ky ielts :6158}

rex [reks] n. 雷克斯(男子名);国王;君主 { :6769}

navigation [ˌnævɪˈgeɪʃn] n. 航行;航海 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :7152}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

freaks [fri:ks] n. 怪胎(电影名);畸形人 { :8971}

dealership [ˈdi:ləʃɪp] n. 代理权;代理商;经销权 { :9480}

mommy [ˈmɒmi] n. 妈咪 { :9690}

aah [eɪ] 先进攻击直升机(Advanced Attack Helicopter);不典型增生改变;美国催眠治疗师学会(American Institute of Hypnotherapy) { :17447}

cookies [ˈkukiz] n. 饼干 { :24995}

bongo [ˈbɒŋgəʊ] n. 羚羊的一种;小手鼓 n. (Bongo)人名;(刚(布)、加蓬)邦戈 { :25937}

Mullen ['mʌlən] n. 毛蕊花属的植物 { :27272}

taxidermist [ˈtæksɪdɜ:mɪst] n. 动物标本剥制者;剥制师 { :29045}

Huber [ ] [人名] 休伯; [地名] [美国] 休伯 { :37622}

unh-unh ['ʌŋ,ʌŋ] interj. [表示否定或否认]啊—嗯

anger management [ˈæŋɡə ˈmænidʒmənt] [网络] 愤怒管理;愤怒的管理营第一季;情绪管理

bark at [ ] (狗)向(某人)吠叫;突然向(某人)大喊大叫,咆哮;厉声说话

calm down [kɑ:m daun] na. 平静下来 [网络] 镇定下来;冷静;冷静下来

excuse me [ ] un. 请原谅;对不起 [网络] 劳驾;打扰一下;打扰了

go anywhere [ ] adj. 可到处去的 [网络] 到任何地方;去任何地方;无论去何处

GPS navigation [ ] [网络] 导航;汽车导航系统;导航设备

mess up [ ] na. 搞砸;弄糟;弄脏;弄乱 [网络] 搞糟;陷入困境;把…弄糟

stereo system [ˈstiəriəu ˈsistəm] un. 立体声系统 [网络] 立体音响系统;立体声音响;音响设备

take it personally [ ] [网络] 别介意;就是往心里去,计较,对么;针对个人的

take your breath away [ ] [网络] 令人屏息;带走你的呼吸;指美景让你叹为观止

takes your breath away [ ] 使大吃一惊;使人高兴得说不出话来;令人屏息

taking your breath away [ ] 使大吃一惊;使人高兴得说不出话来;令人屏息

very sensitive [ ] 很敏感

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